Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day Three

After an oatmeal breakfast, our pioneers loaded up their handcarts this morning and headed out on the trail. They met a farmer who shared apples, bread, peanut butter, and jam with them. After a while longer, they reached "Independence Rock", and each had the opportunity to sign their names. Later in the day, the pioneers traded beads with an Indian they encountered, and were able to procure potatoes and chicken. These were later made into a delicious dutch oven stew, which they ate for dinner, along with some homemade biscuits.

The big event of the day occurred at "Rocky Ridge". Here, President Tolman took the young men, and spoke to them about the priesthood and the importance of honoring womanhood. He explained that men and women are equal partners, and should treat each other with great respect.

Meanwhile, President Little was speaking to the young women. He told them about how many of the original pioneer women lost husbands along the way to death and illness. Some young women lost parents, and had to take over as the caregivers in their families.

Following these talks, the young women participated in the "Women's Pull", which involved pulling the handcarts up a substantial hill on their own. The young men offered encouragement from the top of the hill. It was a very touching experience for those involved.

Due to the heat, the games planned for the afternoon were cancelled, and all had an opportunity to relax. Many had their hair washed, sat or swam in the river, or just relaxed. The time to relax and cool off was perfect after a hot and demanding day.

The day finished off with peach cobbler and ice cream, as well as Hoedown! There is a video of some of the dancing at the end of this post. It's quite fuzzy, but you can see that the youth were having a great time! Family devotionals ended the day.

Lots of pictures tonight!

More Day Two Pictures

Here are some more pictures from yesterday that have come in this morning. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day Two

Today was a strenuous day on the trail. It was hot, and there were some steep hills, declines, and ruts to navigate. The trekkers have worked diligently today!

The families have been very unified and close, and are doing very well. There was a lake to swim in today to provide some relief, and our pioneers have what is quite possibly the toughest part of the trek behind them.

There will hopefully be more pictures to share with you tomorrow. Many were taken, but data service was a bit sketchy tonight. Emails were not going through, but we were able to get these by cell phone. Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Safe Arrival

They have arrived safe and well in "Iowa City", the starting point for many of the handcart pioneers. After a long bus ride, they arrived happy and cheerful. The families are getting along well. Tents are up, and everyone feasted on a hearty meal of BBQ beef, potato salad, and grapes.

Following family devotionals, they are bedded down for the night. "Taps" at 11pm.

Tomorrow morning, they will visit the "Bishop's Storehouse" for supplies before heading out. The first company will leave at 8am, with companies departing every 30 minutes thereafter.

Enjoy the pictures!

Day One - Oklahoma Bound!!

This morning, our fantastic youth gathered at 7am to check in and meet their "families". After check in, the youth had the opportunity to meet their families, go through their supplies with their "Ma"s and "Pa"s, and start getting to know one another. There were lots of smiles and excitement as they went through these last steps before departure!

After the check-ins and introductions were completed, the youth gathered in the chapel for an opening devotional. After a musical number by a youth violin quartet, Pres. Chamberlain addressed the youth regarding the trek they were about to embark on. He expressed to them that this would be a significant experience, even a "turning point in your spiritual lives." He told the youth that "it is going to be hard, but it is going to be fun." He advised them to learn to love one another, to remember their eternal perspective, to be kind and unconditional in their love, and to eliminate contention and competition. If the youth are willing to accept this challenge and rely on their Heavenly Father, they will have a great experience and come home changed on Saturday. He closed with an expression of love for the youth, and the hope that they would have "joy in the journey, and faith in every footstep."

It was then time to board the buses and head out!

Meanwhile, at base camp in Oklahoma, the advance party is getting everything prepared. President Little said "This is going to be amazing."

Stay tuned for more updates form the trail!

**Note for parents: It was announced today that the youth are expected back around 7am Saturday, and that the ward calling trees will notify everyone an hour before their arrival. I will also post estimated arrival times on this blog, so check here if you are concerned about not getting the word before arrival.