Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day Three

After an oatmeal breakfast, our pioneers loaded up their handcarts this morning and headed out on the trail. They met a farmer who shared apples, bread, peanut butter, and jam with them. After a while longer, they reached "Independence Rock", and each had the opportunity to sign their names. Later in the day, the pioneers traded beads with an Indian they encountered, and were able to procure potatoes and chicken. These were later made into a delicious dutch oven stew, which they ate for dinner, along with some homemade biscuits.

The big event of the day occurred at "Rocky Ridge". Here, President Tolman took the young men, and spoke to them about the priesthood and the importance of honoring womanhood. He explained that men and women are equal partners, and should treat each other with great respect.

Meanwhile, President Little was speaking to the young women. He told them about how many of the original pioneer women lost husbands along the way to death and illness. Some young women lost parents, and had to take over as the caregivers in their families.

Following these talks, the young women participated in the "Women's Pull", which involved pulling the handcarts up a substantial hill on their own. The young men offered encouragement from the top of the hill. It was a very touching experience for those involved.

Due to the heat, the games planned for the afternoon were cancelled, and all had an opportunity to relax. Many had their hair washed, sat or swam in the river, or just relaxed. The time to relax and cool off was perfect after a hot and demanding day.

The day finished off with peach cobbler and ice cream, as well as Hoedown! There is a video of some of the dancing at the end of this post. It's quite fuzzy, but you can see that the youth were having a great time! Family devotionals ended the day.

Lots of pictures tonight!

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